Bailey & Kimberly

♡ Tell us about your cutie!

She is 9 months old. She will be 1 on April 19th! She is what I believe to be a German Shepard/Husky mix, I plan on getting her DNA tested to know for sure what makes my baby! You can’t tell in these pictures but, she has the curled up Husky tail and the Black/grey thick line down her back!

♡ What’s she like to live with?

She is very stubborn, but so cute that it is impossible to stay mad at her!!

♡ What’s her favorite game?

She loves loves loves to play tug of war, with any toy ever, especially her stuffed animals!! She also loves to play fetch in our backyard!

♡ Does she get along with other pups?

She has a sister, Sadie, who is an all white husky/chow mix!!

♡ Does she know any fun tricks?

Bailey knows how to sit, lay down and high five as of right now, but I hope to teach her many many more tricks soon!!!

♡ What is the naughtiest thing Bailey does?

Oh she’s a big bed hog, but I just can’t make her get off!!

♡ If she could do one thing every day what would it be?

She LOVES to jump in the pool and swim! Especially when she gets a running start from the deck, and jumps straight to the middle!