Best friends: Kristen & Peanut


❤ Can you give us a little backstory behind how you ended up with Peanut?

Peanut was surrendered to the Nevada Humane Society (NHS) on Dec. 27, 2019. I was at NHS volunteering when I saw Peanut being surrendered due to a severe mouth infection that had gone on for a year. He caught my eye because I thought he was a puppy. He then walked by me on his way to the clinic, and he looked right at me. 

Two days later I was back volunteering and saw him in the quiet puppy nursery since he was having a hard time in the shelter and he was very stressed. Then about four hours that day, I got a text from the animal care director asking if I could foster Peanut. As he was hurting his face trying to get out of his kennel. 

I lost my first rescue dog, Petey, on Dec. 25, 2019. Two days before I met Peanut. Petey taught me a lot of things about rescue dogs one of which is to anytime you can help, do it. Especially, scared, sick, and senior dogs. So, I immediately said yes to fostering Peanut.

The bond we’ve formed is indescribable- I don’t know who is more connected to whom. He’s incredible and always welcomes new fosters or rescues into our family. Peanut is a fantastic ambassador for NHS, for helping to start conversations about adoption and for bringing joy to people as a certified therapy dog.

❤ What do you love most about his character?

His ability to make people smile. I can’t tell you how many people will see him, come over from across a room and say how special he is and how happy he makes them.

❤ Can you share something funny about him? 

He doesn’t like the wind if he’s on a walk but likes his head out the window. And he’s legitimately been mistaken for a rabbit!

❤ What is the most challenging thing about being a fur mom?

The most challenging thing about being his fur-mom is knowing how sensitive he is and that he wants to come everywhere with me but can’t. When I’m at work or doing errands, I take comfort knowing he’s safe and sound with his rescue dog and car siblings.

❤ What are your top tips on being the best dog mom?

To me being the best dog mom means proving a safe, loving, and fun environment for your rescue pet. Some owners know their rescue pet's backstories and others don’t. Remember it takes time for them to adjust to your home after being adopted and to just take it slow, love them and be there for them.

❤ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

The FriendshipCollar signifies a visual way Peanut and I are connected. I take him as many places as I can and he’s always by me when we are together, but when we aren’t we are still connected with the FriendshipCollar and it’s a special reminder of our bond and relationship.

❤ And the best thing about having Peanut is...

Having somebody who is always happy to see me and who always wants to be where I am.

Get the look!

Peanut is rocking the Great British Canine