Billy & Ank

Best friends: Billy & Ank

♡ How did Billy come into your life?

Billy came into my life 6 months after my first dog, our beloved Kyrah, died.

♡ Do you have any tricks or habits that we should know about?

Billy sniffles his bum and his man parts when he needs to do his business. It looks like he is just thinking: 'Hey, what's going on there?" He also rings a bell that's hanging at the door when he needs to go out.Sometimes when he's in a rebellious mood, he rings that bell like crazy just to get a treat. He can do a lot of other tricks and he loves to perform them.

♡ You look so adventurous. Can you tell us about your adventures!

We try to discover beautiful places in our city, but we also travel to different places.

♡ Are you always behaved? Or an opinionated type who loves to talk?

Billy is a well behaved boy, but he's also a min pin mixed with chihuahua, so there are times he can be very stubborn and feisty, but he's still a puppy. His 1st birthday is on July 4th. We still go to puppy school to build his self confidence because of his fear for other dogs. He's been bullied by a big dog when he was 9 weeks old but we practice a lot to be around other dogs.

♡ Do you have any siblings?

Bibi is his best friend and his snuggle bug. She's an 11 years Maltese, and he loves her very much and learns a lot from her, but it's hard for him that she is not always in for playing.

♡ You are so fashionable! Do you love dressing up?

Billy only wears clothes when it's cold. He has a thin coat, so he is chilly easily. But when he wears clothes we try to pick the stylish ones we like, but they have to be warm otherwise Billy refuses to wear them.

♡ Where do you get your inspiration for your Instagram posts?

Billy is a dog model and we try to be as creative as we can when we take photos. It depends on what he's wearing or where we are. When he wears funny bandanas, we try to make the photo funny and in every photo, I try to show his cuteness and personality, because ... look at him, he is so adorable and funny.

♡ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

Billy came into my life when I needed it. He was a God’s gift from heaven. I enjoy raising him very much and he makes me laugh all the time. He is smart and very eager to learn. He makes me smile and every morning when I wake up, he is the best start of the day.

♡ Can you spill the beans on any funny stories about Billy!

Billy is synonym for funny stories, he's such a clown. But I love it when he wants my attention. Then he sits right in front of me and starts talking and making funny noises. It's so funny and entertaining to watch.

♡ Billy is my best friends because....

Every time when I see his happy face and tail wiggling, my heart jumps from happiness and I'm very grateful to have him in my life. He's a great companion, very sweet and lovable and he loves to cuddle. He is a little sensitive boy who really connects with me. I couldn't imagine life without him anymore.