June 23, 2017
Jackson & Jenna
Besties: Jackson & Jenna
♡ How old is Jackson?
6 years old♡ How well behaved is Jackson?
Jackson is very well trained. We did amateur emotional therapy training on a daily basis when he was a puppy. He is very obedient, and will listen to 95% of things I tell him to do. When he was younger I would put him in my backpack and ride my bike to the dog park with him, where I taught him to socialize and be in high stress situations while we trained.♡ What is life like with your pooch?
On a daily basis Jackson gets up with me in the morning to eat breakfast and go for a walk before I head to classes or before I go to track/Cross country practice. We take daily naps together after lunch. When I'm not in classes, we are in the backyard playing with sticks or chasing Squirrels. When the weather is nice I'll take him to the lake down the road where we will swim and go after the ball in the water. Jackson loves to go with me to my boyfriends fraternity house. We are regulars and never go anywhere without each other. He studies with me, runs with me, naps with me and eats with me.♡ How did you get Jackson?
Jackson was his brother and sisters were left on the side of the road around Christmas time six years ago. Someone posted it on an online adoption site and I immediately wanted him.♡ What's the cutest, funniest or craziest thing Jackson has ever done?
Jackson LOVES to chase squirrels up trees. It is his passion. He can also jump very high. One day we were in our backyard and he saw a squirrel run up a tree and with a full force run followed that squirrel up the tree. I watched my dog climb this tree and then proceed to get stuck in a tree. I thought only cats got stuck in a trees, but there is a first for everything.♡ Have you ever taken your dog anywhere unique?
Jackson hiked the Georgia Section of the Appalachian Trail with me! He carried his own pack and everything.♡ What is life like with a dog as a BFF?
♡ How does Jackson make you feel?
Happy. I laugh all the time because of him.♡ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?
It means Jackson and I can really show off our bestfriendship and also be #goals♡ How easy is it to photograph your pooch?
Jackson will listen to what you tell him to do or how to sit or where to be. BUT the only way to get him to look at the camera is if you're holding a ball. He doesn't quite comprehend what a camera is.♡ Jackson has changed my life because....
Depression and anxiety sucks, but Jackson has been there through it all. The good days and the dark days. He's the reason I'm still alive. He's the reason I can cope. He's my life.