Brittany & Moon


🀍 What is a typical day with your bestie like?

The morning consists of Moon coming to bed to wake us up! We typically have breakfast (carrots, celery, only veggies) this is when we get talkative! We typically hit the trails around noon for about three hours, unless it's raining, then we are stuck indoors doing different tricks like roll over, high five, paw.

🀍 Tell us about his personality!

Moon knows EXACTLY what he wants at all times and won't stop until he gets it. Many of our videos on our Instagram show off Moon’s talkative self.Β 

🀍 What is the naughtiest thing Moon has done?

One time mom made four dozen cookies and Moon decided to eat half of them. They were literally right out of the oven. She was not happy.Β 

🀍 How does Moon cheer you up when you're sad?

He always tends to lay right under our feet when we are home, it's nice to have a friend at all times.

🀍 Does he get to go wherever you go?

For the most part yes, unless we are going to a fancy dinner.

🀍 What is your favorite bonding activity?

We love going to the dog park to let him be in his natural element. He LOVES all dogs.Β 

🀍 Is there something your dog is scared of?

Not being fed.Β 

🀍 Can you share a funny story about Moon?

The best memory we have is when Moon was singing I love you in the car with dad.Β 

🀍 In these trying times, how has your bff made it easier for you to cope?

Yes his Instagram has been an escape for me. I find myself enjoying reading the other dog posts, they are living life normally and happily and we hope to have helped a few people remain positive along the way.Β 

🀍 Do you have tips for keeping Moon entertained when he can't go out as much?

Fortunately we have been taking Moon out for at least two miles around the development everyday. It is a good exercise for him and also getting fresh air keeps us calm

🀍 How have you helped Moon adapt to the situation? Any tips for other dog moms?

I think trying to keep your typical routine is important now for everyone. Try to get up and get dressed as you normally do. Feed and walk your pet when you typically would and just be sure to not show them how stressed you areΒ 

🀍 What do you do to keep Moon well-exercised?

He needs at least two miles a day. We also have been trying to let Moon off leash at our field in the development testing his recall.

🀍 Can you share some tips when choosing a dog?

RESEARCH! Everyone wants a husky but they are not an easy breed. They must be exercised, and fed proper food.Β 

🀍 What is the best thing about having Moon in your life?

He makes everyone smile!