Dream Jobs That Have the Cutest Coworkers

What job wouldn’t be made just a teeny bit better by getting to work with pups, cats, and critters of all kinds? While we might fall victim to the big distraction of kissable faces in the office, we think that’s a pretty decent tradeoff. We took a look at some of the best jobs working with animals and pulled out the pros (and the cons – we’re highlighting it all.)

The Vet

Gotta hand it to this classic! As a veterinarian professional, you get to be the doctor of dogs, the caretaker of cats, the healer of horses – and it really does rule!

Getty Images


  • You get the absolute cutest patients.
  • Making someone’s pet all better when they were sick or injured is an incredible service.
  • Free puppy kisses!


  • Seeing any animal in distress is heartbreaking.
  • There’s gonna be blood, smells, and bodily fluids.
  • You definitely have to be dedicated and studious – it takes years of specialized schooling, but the wait and hard work is more than worth it.

The Dog Walker

Fresh air and happy pups, all in one fun-filled package!

The ideal number of dogs on a walk – a lot!


  • Your clients are pretty much ALWAYS happy to see you.
  • There’s almost nothing cuter than that wiggly-butt excited dance dogs do when they’re about to go on a walk and you’re the one who gets to see it!
  • It’s never boring – you can change up your route and explore new neighborhoods while your companions have the time of their lives.


  • You are walking in all weather, so be prepared for high heat and snowy excursions.
  • When pet clients move away, it’s like losing a friend.
  • Prepare to deal with a lot of poop.

The Wildlife Rehabilitator

If you’d like your days filled with squirrels, foxes, and deer, this is a dream role. Caring for injured or orphaned wild animals and releasing them back into their natural habitat is more than rewarding.

CNN Money


  • You get to interact with a wide array of animals.
  • You’re actively doing good in the world and helping animals very much in need.
  • Two words: Baby. Bears.


  • It can be a bit heartbreaking seeing animals in distress, especially the ones who have lost their mums and are in need of a surrogate.
  • Long, unpredictable hours.
  • You are dealing with wild animals, so there’s the potential for some bites and scratches.

The Groomer

You get to make pets both look and smell pretty, and hang out with dogs all day – pretty much a win!

Wide Open Pets


  • Your four-legged clients never complain about their looks.
  • You pretty much get paid to pet dogs all day.
  • You get to be artistic, business-savvy, and hang with pets – the trifecta!


  • Wet dog smell doesn’t really get any better.
  • Anxious or scared pups can be a bummer.
  • Cats sometimes really don’t like the grooming process – and they can show it.

The Pet Adoption Counsellor

Pups and cats in need are better off thanks to this job. As an adoption counselor, your time is spent getting to know pets in the shelter and prospective families, and working to ensure adoptions are perfectly matched up.

Maui Humane Society


  • Getting to quite literally save and improve lives.
  • You get to play with dogs for work to get a feel of temperament, energy levels, etc.
  • Meeting with other animal enthusiasts and helping complete families.


  • Seeing some more severe surrender cases is always tough.
  • Getting attached to dogs and (though it is a happy occasion) seeing them go off to homes that aren’t yours.
  • The salaries for this role typically aren’t very high, so you truly must be motivated by a love of animals.

There are so many rewarding careers that pair you with animals of all kinds. Did we hit or miss your favorite animal job? Let us know!

Love & friendship x