Jessica & Koda +Luna


🤍 What is a typical day for your bestie like?

A typical day starts with Koda jumping in bed – typically around 5am. She likes to cuddle before I have to get up! Luna usually comes to hang out too, but her preferred place to sleep is in the middle of the guest bed. I work full-time, so we try to play fetch in the backyard in the morning and evenings to wear them out, and sometimes we’ll go for an evening walk after work! We always finish off our days lounging together on the couch – Koda’s usually playing tug of war with one of us while Luna’s getting pet. Weekends tend to be more fun, we have a lot of dog friendly parks and restaurants nearby that are fun to visit and check out!

🤍 How did you come to get Koda and Luna! How old are they?

Luna was my foster dog – she was saved from a rural county kill shelter after being there for weeks and her time was up. She actually has separation anxiety, so I knew it would take a special family for me to adopt her out to, but I ended up falling in love and I kept her. We’re not sure exactly how old she is, but we think she’ll be about 5 in January.

Koda was available for adoption at our local humane society, where we ended up adopting her from! She’s been a hilarious addition to our family and she loves Luna. We adopted her about a month after adopting Luna and she’ll be 4 on Halloween.

🤍 How do Luna and Koda make you feel? How do they cheer you up on a bad day? 

I joke that no one will ever love me more than Luna loves me. Both dogs are so great – they’re really loving and they love spending time with their people. Luna is always down for a good cuddle session on a bad day, and Koda is almost always doing something goofy that’ll make you laugh!

🤍 Do Luna and Koda come everywhere with you?

I wish they could! I bring them where they can go – dog friendly places, sometimes work (we have a dog friendly office) and even to the beach, which is always so much fun.

🤍 What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

One of my favorite things about FriendshipCollar is how I always have something that reminds me of my dogs. They have very different personalities, so I love that there are different options that fit their unique personalities.

🤍 What's your favourite thing to do together?

With Luna, it’d have to be just hanging out on the couch! She loves to just chill. With Koda, it’s definitely playing fetch in the backyard, she has a ball that we keep out there and it is literally her favorite thing in the universe.

🤍 What's the cheekiest thing they do?

Luna’s generally pretty laid back, but if you scratch her butt she’ll dance on you and it’s so funny. Koda tends to get into things she’s not supposed to – we’ve caught her on camera standing on our coffee table – so the funniest is when she’s done something she knows is wrong. She’ll smile at you while she’s full body wiggling and it’s hilarious to see, I can’t even get mad at whatever she's done.

🤍 Can you share with us more about how you became BFF's, What life is like with them by your side!

I think Luna bonded to me instantly because I was the one who saved her from the shelter – and I can’t imagine how she even ended up there. She’s such a good dog and she just wants to be with her human, she’s the best. Koda is always entertaining us and is the cause of a lot of laughter in the house. She’s definitely the more challenging of the two dogs but life would be boring without her.