Kara, Dixie, & Piper

♡ When did you get your pooches?

I got my babies, Dixie and Piper, in 2014 while I was stationed overseas in Guam when I was in the US Navy. Dixie was rescued first and then I found Piper and rescued her a few months later. I flew them back home with me to South Carolina when I got out of the Navy and we are absolutely loving it!

♡ What is life like with your fur-babies?

Life is awesome with my babies. I really do not know what I would do without those two. They have helped me through so much and have been with me through major transitions in my life. My life is full of doggie smooches, long walks, puppy play dates, lots of dog hair....everywhere, and so much happiness!

♡ Can you tell us some fun things about your dogs?

Dixie and piper absolutely love to run and chase each other all over the yard when they go outside. Piper runs really fast and poor Dixie cant keep up sometimes, but she sure does try! They love to play tug a war with their rope toys. When we were in Guam they loved the beach and now that we are in SC they love the river even though the water is so cold to me!

They are pretty spoiled girls but so deserve it, they get gifts on pretty much every holiday and we celebrate their birthdays with homemade doggie cake and party hats. They love, love, love bully sticks and getting belly rubs. We take walks daily as long as the weather permits and they really enjoy that. They both sleep with me in my bed, Dixie prefers to have her own pillow while piper likes to sleep  closer to the foot of the bed. 

My pooches are my best friends because...I could not imagine doing life without them and they always find a way to brighten my day!

Dixie and Piper are wearing The Pedigree Princess FriendshipCollar.