Kendall & Otis
♡ Your bestie’s name, age and breed?
Otis is a 1 year old miniature dapple dachshund!
♡ Are there activities your pup looks forward to every summer?
This is only Otis’s second summer but I know he is looking forward to going to the lake and fishing on the boat with his dad! 🎣
Do you have a favorite season?
We both definitely love summer the most. ☀️ We thrive in the heat where we can be outside all the time and go on tons of adventures together.
♡ Can they do any fun tricks?
He knows several tricks including sit, stay, shake, lay down, roll over, spin, play dead and sit pretty!
♡ How did you find your bestie?
I found Otis on a facebook page after searching high and low for an available mini doxie and then I drove with my then boyfriend, now fiance, three hours to meet him and pick him up.
♡ Where’s your dog’s favorite place to go?
His favorite place to go is the off-leash beach that we have a couple hours from our house. He loves running around in the sand and in the ocean fetching squeaky tennis balls. 🏖️

♡ Does your pooch like to swim?
Otis loves to swim at the lake with his big brother George!
♡ What are your top tips for being the best dog parent?
My top tip for being the best dog parent is just being there for your dog, loving them and giving them everything they need. They don’t need the most expensive dog food or the fanciest bandanas. They just need you! ❤️
♡ What does your BFF do that always makes you smile?
Otis always makes me smile when he is laying on my chest and he gets really comfortable and shakes his head into me. It is the cutest thing ever.
♡ What is his favorite way to relax?
His favorite way to relax is burrowing inside of my blanket on my lap and snuggling close.
♡ Does he have a favorite summer treat?
Favorite summer treat is probably just ice. He grabs it immediately when we drop it out of the freezer!
♡ What is the funniest thing they have ever done?
The funniest thing Otis has ever done is probably every time he plays fetch in the back yard, he is so excited and out of control that he overshoots how far the ball is going and rolls sideways out of control as he tries to capture the ball. He then won’t give it back ever, but still wants you to throw it for him.

♡ What is it like having a dog as a best friend?
Having a dog as my best friend is the best because he is always in the mood for hanging out, snuggling, adventuring, eating or anything else I wanna do. He comforts me when I feel bad and makes me smile even on the worst days. I am so lucky I get to be with my best friend every day! 😍