October 22, 2017
Kiley & Cookie
♡ How did you meet your bestie?
Eight years ago had recently lost my first dog, Juicy who was quirky Basenji. It was a terrible accident that happened in front of me, that I thought I would never get over. A few months later a friend told me about a litter of Chihuahuas that were rescued and in need of forever homes. In my mind I didn't think I was ready for a new love but I knew my heart was. I knew this wasn't replacing my loss but giving another soul a chance.
♡ What is life like with such a small dog?
First of all, I never expected to fall in love with a Chihuahua and second of all I never thought she would change my world like she did. Growing up we always had large dogs, so getting used to one that weighed 2 pounds had some getting used too!
♡ What was the biggest challenge?
I was always afraid of tripping over her, sitting on her or rolling over on her in bed. As the months went by and she grew ounce by ounce we started figuring it out.
♡ What is her nickname?
I call her the cuddle monster because all she gives you is hugs and cuddles.
♡ What is her favorite past time?
Her favorite things to are going for walks, chasing bunnies, going for trial rides with the horses and cuddling on the couch. She has the biggest toy basket that over flows with toys, she her favorites though.
♡ What food does she love?
Cookies favorite treats are greenies, chicken jerky and green peppers.
♡ What is your life like together?
Fast forward to 8 years and I could not even imagine my life without Cookie. She is truly my best friend. Through the years we have been on so many adventures, most say she is the most traveled Chihuahua they have ever known. She's a traveling horse show dog, college student, shopping queen, beach goer and the list could go on. She brings so much happiness to everyone she meets.
♡ Can you tell us a bit about her personality?
Last summer though we had quite the scare with Cookie. We moved into a new townhouse and started noticing a different Cookie. She lost 5 pounds by not wanting to eat, didn't want to play and just wasn't the happy go lucky Cookie we all new and loved. So we went to the vet to see what was going on. She was diagnosed with an enlarged heart which was also pressing on her trachea. The diagnoses wasn't good and all of our hearts had sank. Through the right medication, diet change, daily exercise and lots of love, a year has gone by and our old Cookie has come back. It took a couple of months but her personality is back, appetite and energy is at full force.
My best friend is awesome as I have never met a Chihuahua quite like Cookie.