Tina & Mira
♡ How old is Mira?
She is three years old
♡ Where did you first meet your pooch?
We first met here in a neighbor city when she was 12 weeks old.
♡ We noticed that she loves the forest, has she been on any adventures with you?
She loves the forest and has been on many adventures with us. For example, she traveled to England and went to Stonehenge with us.
♡ She has the perfect pose! Is your pup happy to be photographed?
She is happy to be photographed as she gets a treat afterwards.
♡ What is the funniest and naughtiest thing Mira has ever done?
The funniest thing she has done was when she goes and gets her blanket from another room as she does not want to lie on the blank floor.
♡ She is so active. Can you tell us about her tricks?
She can do many tricks as give paw, Stay, turn around, get it and bring it back, wave. And she can jump on my back.
♡ What is her favorite thing to do? Best place you have taken her?
Her favourite thing to do is cuddling with mommy and daddy and running. Her favourite place is the forest and the forest.
♡ Can you tell us more about your pooch personality?
Her personality is crazy but loyal.♡ She looks so playful :) What is her favorite toy?
Her favourite toy is the ball and the frisbee.
♡ If Mira could talk, what do you think she would say?
If she talked she would always say that she loves us and does not want to be alone.
♡ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?
The matching collars show our inside connection to the outside.
♡ Mira is my best friend because...I love my dog because...
Mira is our best friend because she is never mad at us but loves us unconditionally.
♡ I love my dog because...
She always shows me love and lightens up our day.