Liberty & Amber

Today is a special Memorial Day edition of Fashionable Friendships, because this human and doggy duo came together one year ago today! Happy Gotcha Anniversary, Lib & Amber! 💕 

BESTIE: Liberty

LIBERTY'S AGE: 17 months


Is there a story behind Liberty's name? We hear she's a rescue pup! Can you tell us a bit about how you found each other? 

Yes! I have always looked on my local rescue's Facebook page, with no intentions of getting a dog. Especially since most of the dogs at the shelter are large dogs, while we live in an apartment  - so that would not work for us. Then I came across Lib! Over 200 people had liked and commented on the picture, and many people seemed to be interested. 😱 For some reason, I felt like this dog was meant to be with me. So, I went to the shelter the day before she was available to fill out the adoption form to get a head start. She was only available on Memorial Day, (that's how she got her name!) And we were told there was going to be a long line, so we needed to get there early. We got there four hours before the shelter opened, we were the second ones in line! The people who arrived minutes after us also wanted Libby, but since we got there first she was ours! We then found out she came from NC to PA, from a high kill shelter. She had worms and kennel cough when she came over. 😢

She's so adventurous! Do you guys always love outdoor activities? 

Liberty loves to be 🌲 outdoors, her favorite place to go is the dog park! However, the second she gets inside from adventuring outside, she falls straight asleep 💤 under the couch, and won't come out for hours! (She also snores very loudly lol)

Does she always join in dog park competitions? How does she prepare for the big fight? 

Haha, Liberty doesn't participate in dog competition, she controls them! Any time dogs are competing at the dog park she runs over to them and starts barking to make it known that she is the queen 👑, the ruler! Libby thinks she owns the dog park. It's actually pretty funny. 😂 

Does she love dressing up? What is your favorite outfit for her?

Oh yes! Liberty loves dressing up, I've been dressing her up from the second she got home! Her favorite outfit would be her winter pajamas that she got from Chewy. They are so warm and fuzzy, Lib is all about comfort! 👚

Does she have a favorite holiday or season?

Hmmm that's a hard question! Considering Lib thinks all holidays are her birthday and all about her (lol) I'd say her favorite time of year is anytime she gets to dress up and get presents. Like Christmas and Easter! 👗🎁

♡ What does FriendshipCollar/matching accessories mean to you?

Friendship Collars are something that every dog owner needs. We all miss our dogs when we are away from them, and with friendship collar you feel like you're bringing a little piece of them everywhere you go. Also, when we are with each other and have on our matching accessories, we are the most stylish ones on the block. 💁🏼‍♀️💕

When was the last time Liberty made you laugh or brought a smile to your face?

Liberty makes me laugh/smile whenever I look at her! 😂 She is always so happy, which makes me happy. She also does the funniest things with her face. When she yawns she literally screams, and every now and then her tongue will get stuck between her teeth. 😂 

Lastly, can you finish this sentence: Liberty is my best friend because...

Liberty is my best friend because she is always there for me. She gives me kisses when I am sad, and makes me 10x more happy every day. I am so thankful for her, and that I randomly looked on Facebook that day! 💕💕💕   

Now that's a friendship for the ages! We love how besties make each other smile and somehow always find the one's they are meant to be with. If you're in the market to adopt a rescue bestie, don't forget to look out for our Find a Friend Friday features!