Paisley & Ana
♡ Tell us how you and Paisley became besties!
Paisley is a rescue German Shepard mix, she is 1 year old and I adopted her a year ago! I adopted her after my childhood dog passed away. I felt really lovely and it was very hard so I finally decided I needed a new friend, and so did she!
When I adopted her she was so malnourished you could see her ribs, she was about 3-4 months old and the people at the shelter said she was so small because she had probably been a stray her entire life. Our biggest goal for the first few months was to get her to gain weight.
♡ What is her favorite thing to do?
She is super smart and she loves to play. Her favorite place is our neighborhood dog park, she has sooo many friends! We go on walks every day because she has so much puppy energy but she is so loving and sweet. Her absolute favorite thing to do is chase squirrels and rabbits in our backyard. She’s so fast! At the shelter they named her “Rapidash” because she outran all of the other pups there.

♡ Is Paisley afraid of anything?
She is scared of balloons and clowns and we’re not quite sure why! 🤡🎈
♡ What is the naughtiest this that Paisley has done?
The naughtiest things she’s ever done was a few days after we adopted her. She flipped over all of my mom’s plants in the house and played in the dirt in the living room. It was such a big mess! 🐾
♡ Does Paisley like to travel?
Yes!!! She travels with me all the time! There’s very few places where I go that I don’t take her. I take her with me to my college every Friday so I can leave her at my friend’s house and she can play with her dogs. She also goes with me to run errands like go to the bank or the pharmacy, and as a prize she gets treats from wherever we go!
♡ If Paisley could speak, what would she tell you?
If she could speak, she would definitely remind me all the time how much smarter she is than me haha. She would also remind me that she’s my dad’s favorite. And at all times she would tell me: “GIVE ME BACON, HUMAN!”
She’s such a sweet girl! I love her and I love matching with her in our FriendshipCollar set! ❤️