Regina & Gandi


🤍 How did you meet Gandi? How old is he?

My boyfriend brought him home about a year and a half ago and I fell in love with him immediately! He is now 18 months old.

🤍 What do you like most about his character?

His perfectionism. He always wants everybody to love him and to do everything absolutely right. Furthermore, I’m obsessed with his funny way motivating us to play with him.

🤍 What is the naughtiest thing he has done?

Stolen a toy of a little child, because he wanted to play with it. But brought it back, luckily! 

🤍 Does he get to go everywhere with you?

Absolutely! I even took him with me to lectures when I went to university. He goes shopping, to training (soccer) and to the horses with me.

🤍 What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

It represents the strong bond between us. It shows, that we belong together and everyone easily can see that with FriendshipCollar. 

🤍 Can you tell us more about his training classes? Do you have dog training tips?

We never went to a dog school. I grew up with dogs, so I tried to train him by myself. It turned out very well! He follows everywhere without a leash and knows some pretty cool tricks like “PENG”, where I pretend to shoot on him and he falls on his back, pretending he is dying 😂

🤍 How do you get Gandi to pose for that pawfect pic?

Showing a toy, ball or a treat! 🦴

🤍 What is your favorite bonding activity?

Going for a ride in the fields with Fidi or cuddles on the couch in the evening!

🤍  Can you share some tips on being the best dog mom?

Adopt your dog the way you would adopt a child; with a huge amount of LOVE 🥰

🤍 How is Gandi adjusting to the current quarantine situation?

The quarantine situation didn’t change much for us. We are at the horse’s yards everyday like normal and daddy is working normally, too.

🤍 Has your bestie made it easier for you to cope during this difficult situation?

He makes my whole life better. Just a little smiling friend by my side!

🤍 Do you have any tips to keep him entertained when he can’t go out as much?

He loves to play with his toys and balls. He doesn’t care if it’s outside or inside the house.

🤍 Complete the sentence. Gandi is my best friend because….

…because he gives so much love. As soon as I sit down, while running around the whole day at work, he tries to jump on my lap and cuddle. As soon as he can see me, he runs to me. He starts crying, when there is a closed gate between us and he can’t run to me. And when I’m having a bad day, he always turns it into a better one and makes me smile just in the silly and funny way he is. It breaks my heart seeing him being super jealous whenever I’m petting other dogs. And even in the city we don’t need a leash. He follows me step by step everywhere I go! 🐕