Samantha & Benny
♡ Can you tell us a little bit about Benny? How did you meet?
Ben is from an AKC golden retriever breeder in northern Georgia. My boyfriend and I drove 7 hours to pick him up. We knew immediately upon meeting him that he was special! 💖
♡ Does he love meeting other dogs?
He LOVES other dogs. Is always very excited and tail wagging during meetings.
♡ Does he love dressing up?
He doesn’t love dressing up, actually pouts sometimes, but he does it for his social media page. A very good boy.
♡ Where does he sleep?
Either on the end of the bed directly under the fan, or on the cold tile in the bathroom.
♡ What is the strangest thing he has eaten?
Nothing too strange! He’s not much of a chewer. He likes to hold things in his mouth and take pride.
♡ Can you share an amazing experience you had with your dog?
He got to visit his grandparents in Alabama. He went swimming in their lake by jumping off the dock! He loved it!
♡ What’s your dog’s telltale sign that you’re going on an adventure?
Anytime he sees the suitcase, he knows.
♡ Do you have a silly pet name for your dog?
I call him “Booty boy”.
♡ What’s the naughtiest thing your dog has done?
Notorious for chewing up paper if left on the ground or in reach.
♡ Can he do any fun tricks?
“Rollover” or “spin” are his impressive ones.
♡ What does he do that always make you smile?
When Ben rolls around on his back and makes funny noises – I always smile! 😄
♡ What is it like having a dog as a best friend?
I wouldn’t want another best friend. His love is unconditional and sincere.