Sarah, Heiko, & Loui


♡ Your besties’ name, age, and breed!

My besties’ names are Heiko and Loui. Heiko is 9 years old and Loui is 6 years old. Both are rescued Miniature Pinschers. But we think Loui is mixed with a Chihuahua maybe. Fun fact: their birthdays are only 1 day apart! Heiko was born on 2nd February and Loui on 3rd February.


♡ How did you meet them!

I first met Heiko in the summer of  2010 when I was only 10 years old. I met him at an old ranch with two of his siblings but instantly fell in love with him. In December 2018,  I first met Loui, just three days after my 18th birthday. Initially, we just wanted to visit a friend who fosters dogs from Romania, but we ended up bringing Loui home with us!

♡ Describe their personalities!

Heiko’s personality is amazing. One can do everything with him. He is super lovable and loves to cuddle, he loves everyone and likes to get pet a lot. He is also very active and likes to play with other dogs. Loui was super shy and anxious when we first got him but now he is such a sweetheart and walkies with him make more fun every time since he isn’t as scared as he used to be of different things.

♡ Did they like each other right away?

Yes! Heiko and Loui really liked each other from the beginning but I would say that Loui loves Heiko more. 

♡ What do they do that always make you smile?

They get super excited when I come home, doesn’t matter if I’m gone for 5 minutes or a day. That’s what I really love about them. Also, they love to cuddle in bed with us.

♡ Tips in bringing your dog to outdoor adventures?

Number 1 tip: Always bring water with you and some treats. Be careful where you go and check in advance if the hike is possible with your dog. Just stay safe and don’t risk your life just for a picture!

♡ Where is your favorite place to go?

It’s super hard to choose a favorite place to go! I love to be on top of our mountains or to walk around our lakes but one place I really like is a place on top of our home mountain which is called “Loser”. 

♡ What’s their favorite season and why?

Their favorite season is definitely summer. They love warmth and sunshine. In Winter, they are just feeling cold all the time and need to wear jackets.

♡ How do they make you happy when you’re sad? 

They instantly know when I’m sad and come cuddling. I love it when they cuddle with me.

♡ What’s the most challenging thing about being a fur mom?

Leaving your puppies at home when you have to go to work. I love spending time with them so much that I hate to leave them alone. Also, it can be nerve-wracking at the beginning when you have to teach your puppy everything from scratch but in return you get unconditional love.

♡ Can you share an amazing experience you have had with your besties?

One amazing experience with Heiko was when I traveled with him to Spain with a friend of mine. We spent two weeks there at a beach house and it was really amazing!

♡ What’s the best thing about having Heiko and Loui?

Two dogs are definitely better than one because they have each other. They are just a perfect match and I wouldn’t want to miss them! No matter how hard life is they are always there for me