Seline & Lady Como

Please finish this sentence...My dog is my best friend because....she is by my side through thick and through thin, through sickness and in health, through every single situation life has thrown our way. I’ve always been loving and nurturing person, yet Como has taught me how to love in ways I never thought possible. Her unconditional love is truly magical. I am better because of her.

♡ How old is Lady Como?

Como is 18 months old.

♡ How did she get her name?

Como’s litter name was Grace, which was a well suited name for such a pretty little pup. The photo of her that I fell in love with showed a very unique, almost mischievous side to her sweet little face. Lake Como in Northern Italy is one of my favorite places in the world. Long before it became a stomping-ground for the famous, it epitomized beauty, adventure and peace. With its snow covered peaks and sparkling lake, with its quaint little lake-side towns and delicious wines, with the simplicity of the locals and its dark history toward the end of WWII, it feels so alive, yet so peaceful. I named her after Lake Como, the most magical place I know.

She picked up “Lady” as family and friends commented on how lady-like she is, with her head held high and her paws often crossed.

♡ Have you always wanted a kleekai?

I grew up loving dogs. I had wanted a Siberian Husky since I was a little girl, but the timing was never right. An Alaskan Klee Kai was my decision after several major life changes and failed rescue efforts with local NY organizations. I knew I wanted a dog with the temperament and physical features of a Husky, but one that would be smaller and apartment-friendly. A Klee Kai (mini husky) was the answer.

♡ What is her temperament like?

Como loves humans and dogs alike. She loves a full house! She’s very friendly and curious. Sometimes people ask why Como doesn’t “smile more.” That’s usually because she is too busy sniffing! From every shrub and flower to new items in our home, Como analyzes everything. I would describe her as sweet yet sassy; friendly yet cautious; extremely aware, compassionate and intelligent. If I’m ever hurt or in pain, she will rush over to me with the greatest look of concern on her sweet face and lick lick lick it all better. If she’s ever scared or unwell, she will jump into my arms and curl up with me. She is my protector and I am hers.

♡ What is her favourite past time?

Posing for photos, of course! And stealing socks :smile: Como loves to play with her best friend Buddy. Her ears perk up and her eyes open wide when she hears his name. She also loves daycare at a wonderful place we’ve found, which is a home-based ranch-like space with a very large yard and plenty of playmates. Como is s always the fastest dog around, even with dogs twice her size. She loves to run with the wind in her fur and greet every dog. Of course, we can’t forget watching Eight Below (the movie) with me every few weeks.

♡ Where does she sleep?

Como starts the night under the bed, in a dark little cocoon as I burn the midnight oil. Around 2-3am she moves from under the bed to her doggy bed, which is right next to mine, and by 4-5am she is curled up next to me on the bed. Interestingly, she will spend the entire night next to me when we have company spending the night or when I’m having a difficult day. My guardian angel!

♡ Does she travel with you?

Como does travel with me. From NYC to LA, from SF to Houston, she’s been everywhere with me, including Napa/Sonoma. We even did a half-cross-country trip along Route 66 in the Fall ll that included a stop at the Grand Canyon and a several dog-friendly diners. She’s truly my best friend and adventure buddy.

♡ She is so photogenic, does she love to pose for pictures?

Como loves to pose but she also likes to ignore the camera like a true diva. Life is definitely on her terms! We have a video on IG that shows her waking up from a nap, noticing he camera on her, composing herself before crossing per paws for a pose. She certainly likes the attention she gets everywhere we go.

♡ Is your pooch a beach pup or does she prefer the dog park?

Como is still undecided about the ocean, so she prefers backyards and dog parks.

♡ Can you tell us any fun stories about your pooch?

Como’s human grandfather has Parkinsons. He is definitely one of her favorites. Even though she can be excitable and usually very fast, she slows down when she’s with him. You see her watching his every step and pacing herself to his footsteps. It’s truly heartwarming to watch them together.

She wakes up every morning and checks up on me. She leans back and looks up with her beautiful eyes and just lays on me and gazes. As I start to open my eyes, she comes up for a few kisses, as though she’s telling me she missed me overnight, then she curls right back up for more cuddle time.