Sweet Holiday Dog Treats for Your Bestie

The Holiday season is nearly here, and there is nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked gingerbread cookies to make your home feel really festive! So it’s time to brush up on your bestie baking skills!

We think Gingerbread men are the cutest and tastiest treats! So we have been having some fun making these dog friendly gingerbread cookies for you and your bestie to make together. These make the perfect gift to take with you, when visiting family and friends, after all everyone loves Sweet Treats!

For the recipe all you need is: you, your four legged BFF! Oh and a few extra bits and pieces.


1.5 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon of ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
A pinch of ground cloves
1/4 cup of molasses
1/4 cup water (No doggy drool please)
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

*Disclaimer: A little dog fur- is optional!

Step by Step/ Paw by Paw instructions:

  1. Get your human to put the oven on for you! They should preheat it to 325°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
    Now it’s your turn to get your paws dirty!
  2. Put all the dry ingredients into a sturdy bowl. Mix, mix, mix! Into the bowl they go! Don’t be shy, this is your time to shine and show everyone what an awesome pawesome pastry chef you are!
  3. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the molasses, water, and oil. Using a wooden spoon, slowly mix liquid ingredients into the flour mixture, stirring until they are mixed up pawfectly!
  4. Let your bestie roll the mixture!
  5. Roll out the soft dough and start using the cookie cutters to make the cut out gingerbread shapes. Will your dog bite the head or legs off these sweet gingerbread men first? Our besties chewed them up in one big bite!
  6. Get your human to put these in the oven and bake them for 15- 20 minutes, and allow cookies to cool on the baking sheet. Don’t forget to let them lick the bowl, while they bake. This is the fun part!


Oh my dog! This is yummy!


Let them cool down, no one wants to have burnt fingers, or paws!

We want to see your pictures of your baking! Don’t be shy, sharing is caring! Share them with us using the #friendshipcollar

Do you want a Sweet Treat for you and your best friend this Christmas? Shop the collection here! After all, everything is better when you are matching together! But be quick, before our naughty gingerbread men run away!