What Dogs Teach Us

What's up, doc?
Eat Well & Enjoy.
Dogs are always so excited for their food! 3🍝 Tails a-waggin’ they don’t care what others have to say or what else is going on (very much like use on a Thursday night when the pizzas get delivered.) But we also look out for their health and ensure they stay healthy! We should do the same for ourselves in all respects - take care to be healthy but also eat with joy and without fear of appearances.
Enjoy the Outdoors.
Wanna go for walkies? You know for a fact those mere words light a fire of unadulterated joy in your pup, but, if we’re being fair, they should excite us as well! Get outside 🍃, breathe in some fresh air, and exercise!
Get Enough Sleep.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but what dog doesn’t love curling up in the softest spot and napping away when they feel like it? Dogs take time to stay well rested, and so should we!
All fun, no fuss
Do What You Love & Don’t Worry About Others.
What dog cares how he looks while he is chasing a squirrel with wild abandonment? And no two dogs’ passions are alike - some love frisbees, some love swimming, some love burrowing. Find what you love and do it wholeheartedly.
Make New Friends.
Dogs go all in when it comes to loving and befriending new people. As we get older, we may feel like it’s harder to make new friends, but why not sniff out some new besties? 👭👫👬
We might recommend being a liiiiiittle more gentler with your teddy
It’s OK to Have a Fave Stuffed Animal.
Your dog curls up with five or ten different squeaky squirrels, so it’s OK to still sleep with your childhood teddy 🐻.
Happily Make Time for Family & Friends.
Your dog is ALWAYS happy to see you, whether it’s been one hour or a week, and they drop whatever they’re doing to come hang. We could all stand to be a little more of that mindset and not only make time for the people in our lives, but be excited to do so.
Hugs & kisses &love & friendship
Life is Short - Do What Matters.
The biggest injustice in this world is that dogs’ lives are too short. But they make the most of every moment, and mostly want to spend that time with us. At then end of the day, we really just want to be better people, live fuller lives, and be a little more like our besties. What has your dog taught you? 💕