Alissa & Toby
Instagram: @alissa_butt
♡ Tell us how you and Toby became besties!
So where do I even begin?! So Toby is a cockapoo and he is literally my babbyyyy. I remember wanting another puppy when I was younger and I begged my mom for years to finally get one and I remember going to see the puppies and they brought about 5 out in a basket and he was the runt of the litter, he was so small and my mom initially didn’t want to have him because she thought he was going to have heart problems but he ended up being the SWEETEST most perfect puppy ever. He is literally my best friend, and I have no idea what I would do without him.
♡ What is his favorite thing to do?
His favorite game to play for hours on end is fetch and he truly is the best at it!! Oh and he LOVES his bones – he’s always at the cabinet scratching on it waiting for you to give him one! He has the cutest personality, and just wants endless belly rubs and snuggles! <3
♡ Can you tell us a fun fact about Toby?
He is actually a registered service dog and he truly helps me with my anxiety. He goes everywhere with me, to work and doing errands. He licks everyone and everything haha – as you can see if the pictures he just loves to love so much.