Best friends: Lauren and Beaujo


❤ Tell us a bit about your bestie!

Beaujo just turned 10 years old. When we got him, we were told he was a Pomeranian mixed with a Shih Tzu. As we’ve watched him grow, we definitely see Pomeranian but there is no way that he is Shih Tzu! Many people feel like he looks part Shiba Inu. I can tell what he wants just by the look on his face.

❤ How did you find each other?

Beaujo was listed for free with his four siblings in the online newspaper in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which is where I lived at the time. I initially wanted a small girl dog, and I was going to name her Lola. However, small dogs are popular and go so quickly! By the time I made it out to see Beaujo and his siblings, the girl was already gone. Beaujo was timid and sat in the back of the cage while the other dogs excitedly attempted to get to me. I knew he was the one immediately. You could say it was love at first sight. 

❤ Have you always wanted a dog? How did you decide on the breed?

After I graduated high school, I was dying to have a dog. All I knew was that I wanted a small dog. I did really like pomeranians, but mainly just wanted a smaller dog. I searched rescues and newspapers for dogs that were available. 

❤ Tell us how your outdoor adventure started!

Beaujo has always liked doing everything with me. When I first got him at 8 ½ weeks, he weighed less than 1 pound. I would put him in my purse and take him everywhere. I even took him to college classes and no one knew! Teaching him to walk on a leash was very difficult because he was originally so tiny. When we first started adventuring, he hopped like a rabbit! I got into hiking several years ago and naturally, Beaujo does everything with me, so he tagged along. We always joke that he is like a little mountain goat. He always figures out a way to overcome the obstacles that may seem too large for him. He navigates his way around bodies of water and mud to the best of his ability because he doesn’t like being dirty or wet.

❤ Does he like meeting other people or making friends with other dogs?

He loves people. He doesn’t understand dogs. He believes he is a person. I always say that as a young dog mom I didn’t do a very good job socializing him with dogs. He is never mean to other dogs; he just tends to ignore them. Like if dogs bark at us when walking or sniff at him, he often just completely ignores them. 

❤ How does he cheer you up when you’re sad?

Beaujo cheers me up by simply being Beaujo. He can tell if something is wrong and will sit beside me and push his little body against mine.

❤ Can he do any fun tricks?

As far as traditional tricks, about all he can do is sit for a treat. However, Beaujo is very communicative. It sounds crazy but it’s like he understands english and responds. I have always talked to him nonstop like he was a human. So people are often shocked by how well he listens and responds appropriately. It’s more than obedience. It’s like we have full conversations.

❤ What do you love most about his character?

I love how easy going he is. He is calm in any situation. He is also observant. People often comment on how he just seems to be noticing everything around him.

❤ Can you share a funny story about your bestie?

Beaujo has a lot of funny mannerisms. One being, he doesn’t like to take large pieces of food. If you give him a large piece of food, even if it’s something he wants, he just gives you this look, in an attempt to communicate that he needs it cut into smaller pieces. Once it’s cut up in smaller pieces, he will devour it.

❤ What is the naughtiest thing your bestie has ever done?

Beaujo likes to get into the bathroom trash. At first we were able to get a step trash can with a closing lid, however he quickly taught himself how to step on the pedal to open the lid. This can lead to him eating personal hygiene products, or his personal favorite, face wipes. One time he made himself very ill with pancreatitis by eating face wipes. 

❤ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

FriendshipCollar signifies our lasting friendship that we will always have. 


❤ What is the biggest challenge you have conquered together?

One of the most difficult times in my life is when I had to have a pituitary tumor removed and subsequently had to take almost 4 months off of work while recovering. He was constantly by my side as a companion and ensured my spirits stayed lifted. 

❤ What are your top tips for being the best dog mom?

 I think the best thing I did as a dog mom was being consistent with rules and always talking to him. Due to these things, he is very chill and will sit calmly in any situation.

❤ What is the best thing about having a dog for a best friend?

Dogs are the most loyal and loving creatures. They can also be so sensitive to our emotions. Dogs will love you unconditionally. We don’t deserve dogs!

Get the Look!

Besties Lauren & Beaujo are wearing: The Mucky Pup