Best friends: Rikke and Aliano
❤ Can you tell us a bit about your best friend?
Aliano is a four year old Norwegian Warmblood riding horse. My goal is that he’ll become a fine eventing horse someday.
We’ve done a little bit of show jumping and eventing, but our main focus at this time is on dressage, ground work, hiking, and mental training.
❤ How did you find each other?
I visited Aliano for the first time early in December last year. I decided to drive six hours on icy roads through a snowstorm in the middle of the night to see him (not the best idea I’ve had, but I definitely don’t regret it). He had the kindest eyes and it took me two seconds to decide that I wanted him. I brought him home a week later and since then we’ve been together.
❤ Have you always loved riding? What age did you start!
I rode my first horse at age three, but I didn’t get serious with my riding until a few years ago.

❤ Does your horse like meeting new horses & making friends?
Aliano has the kindest spirit. He loves to meet other horses, humans and dogs. He’s curious, positive and gets along with everyone.
❤ What style of riding do you do with your horse?
Mostly dressage at the moment - and eventing/jumping. I also do a little liberty and trick training, and I will introduce him to free riding once his body is more developed.
❤ What is the naughtiest thing Aliano has ever done?
He always tries to push over the wheelbarrow when I’m mucking out his paddock. To be fair I think he tries to help me. He follows me around everywhere and thinks everything I do is super exciting!
❤ What trait about your horse are you the most proud of?
My proudest moment with Aliano was when he jumped a full 80cm eventing course for the first time. He was so brave!
❤ Do you compete with your horse? How is he in the ring?
We compete in dressage. He’s so well behaved and calm. We’ve been out competing four times total and got two 1st places and one second and third place.
❤ Do you have any big plans for the future, for you and your horse?
I have some big plans for the future. My goal is to compete an eventing championship for Norwegian bred horses next year. And if that works I may or may not have some bigger plans in the long run.
❤ What is the silliest thing that he spooks at?
Aliano’s a brave horse so he usually never spooks, but for a reason he’s absolutely terrified of our stables robot mower (“Bob”).
❤ What is the weirdest thing your horse has eaten?
He has to taste EVERYTHING. Horse food, human food, dog food (last one’s not my fault)… you name it. He even has to taste the showjumping and eventing obstacles when we’re checking them out.
❤ What does your horse's day-to-day look like?
It’s summer and warm weather at the moment so now he’s outside in his paddock 24/7 - which he absolutely loves.
❤ What is the best thing about having a horse for a BFF?
There are so many great things about Aliano. He’s first off the coolest and chillest young horse I know. He’s super confident, brave and well behaved for his age. He learns new things quickly and he trusts me. But the very best thing about him is all the mulie kisses he gives me every day. He makes every day a blast!
❤ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?
As a competition rider, FriendshipCollar represents communication, common respect, understanding and love between horse and rider.
Get the look!
Besties Rikke and Aliano are wearing: Hot To Trot!