Cute things your dogs do!😉

What's the cutest thing your dog has ever done? These lovely paw parents have shared with us their dog’s cutest antics! Get ready to read just how their besties get super cutesy every day! There are SO many reasons we LOVE your besties, here are just a few!

Good Morning Wet Nose❤️

“Juno has the habit to wake us up every morning with a wet nose in the face and a waggy tail, it is just the cutest thing and makes the start of the day so much better!

She will also lay her head in my lap whenever she is in cuddle mood or wants a treat She is generally very affectionate and is trusting us more and more, which is amazing as she was terrified of everything when she arrived from Romania. We are loving her very much and she has mastered the art of puppy eyes ❤️” - @junothedoggess

Morning Kisser 😗

“I think one of the cutest things Maddie does is when she wakes up in the morning, she’ll just stare at us till one of us wakes up. When she notices eyes peeking, she goes over and just lays on us and licks their face till they’re fully awake! It’s usually her dad who gets up first lol.” - @madisonthegoldador 

Morning Sleeper 💤💤

“Bernie does so many cute things. When my husband leaves early in the morning for work she buries into his pillows to sleep until I get up.  She paws you like a prize fighter if she really wants something.  Everything she does is adorable 😍” - @bigmuddybostons

The soccer player ⚽

“Cutest thing he has done is picking up a ball in his mouth and then trying to get another one. Usually he ends up playing soccer with one tennis ball while carrying another around. And sometimes he picks up both in his mouth at the same time.” - @syros.thehousehippo

Group Hugs only!

“Autumn has two super cute antics - one is that anytime I give anyone a hug, Autumn runs up and jumps/dances on her hind legs next to us until she can be included. Group hugs only!! Second, at night, Autumn likes to sleep on top of my head like a hat - we lovingly refer to her as my nightcap. She ends up resting her chin on my forehead or cheek and it’s adorable and makes me smile every time!” - @cavapooautumn

They are cute, clingy, lovely and funny! We would love to hear your dog’s cute antics too! 

Love & Friendship x