Charlie, Pops, & Puggy


♡ How did you get your besties? 

Pops is a rescue. I rescued her four years ago from a puppy mill. She was very sick and was only given a prognosis of a month due to her injuries and neglect. But she is a fighter, and four years on, she’s doing remarkably well. I met my partner a year ago who has Puggy. They both came into my life as a pair and all four of us live happily together in east London.

Have you always wanted a dog?

I am obsessed with dogs and I've always had dogs! Pops was the first dog that was solely my responsibility, but I will never pass any pooch in the street without asking their owner if I can say hello!

♡ Can you share your rescue story?

Pops was a survivor of a horrific ordeal at the hands of some very nasty humans. She used to breed in a puppy farm and kept caged for 3 years. She was savagely attacked in the puppy farm and lost her puppies. Due to the injuries, she couldn’t have any more puppies, so they left Pops to die with a terrible infection. She was malnourished and so afraid of people. She has teeth missing, marks all over her body and cigarette burns on her stomach. She went through too much and I'm so glad I found her in time. It took around a year to get Pops to a happy place. For her to trust humans and to recover both physically and mentally. But now she is a successful dog model and therapy dog and I couldn’t be prouder of her!

♡ Can you share your experience in having a dog with IVDD?

Pops didn’t have IVDD (Intervertebral disc disease) when I rescued her, this came 2 years later. One day she just stopped using her back legs and was in a lot of pain. She was immediately referred to specialist vets, who ran all the tests and operated within 24 hours (the sooner you operate, the higher the chance is that the dog will walk again) She survived the surgery but didn’t walk or use the toilet for 10 days. Luckily after a lot of physios, hydrotherapy and later treatments, Pops made a full recovery and it;s been 2 years without any further problems! We just wrap her up warm in the winter as her back can get a little sore in the cold. 


Tips in taking care of a rescue dog?

Rescuing Pops is the best thing I've ever done. It’s hard work, and it takes a lot of time and energy, as you need to earn their trust and respect. But once it’s been earned, it’s the best relationship in the world!

Tell us about your bff's personality! 

Pops is a queen! She is snooty and rude and I swear she forgets about her rough past! Pops is the ultimate diva. She’s pampered and spoiled rotten and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We are very close and she comes everywhere with me. I promised her when I rescued her that I would always put her first, and that’s exactly what I do, every day! Pops loves to eat chicken and listen to Beyonce, she also loves being carried around like a goddess and dressing up in fancy clothes.

What does Pops do that always makes you smile?

Pops makes me smile every day. She is so cheeky and sassy. It’s like I can read her mind and know what she’s thinking! 

Does she love being dressed up?

Pops loves wearing clothes and will not leave the house without at least a jumper on! She never used to, until they had to shave her whole back for her IVDD surgery, so she needed jumpers to stay warm. We created a monster! She now has her own bedroom full of clothes! Her favourite is her dusty pink cashmere turtleneck.

What's your favorite activity together? 

Our best activity together is exploring London and going for BRUNCH!!!! We go somewhere new every weekend and will only go places that are dog friendly.

Where do they sleep? 

Pops and Puggy have their own room, they both sleep there. Puggy sleeps on his own sofa with a fluffy blanket and Pops sleeps in a cave bed with a faux fur throw.

Can you share an amazing experience you have had with your dogs?

Before I had Puggy, Pops and I went on a dog friendly holiday to Cornwall together and it was amazing!!!! I took her everywhere, on steam trains, to museums, beaches, hikes, caves and even to a seal sanctuary!!! We loved every minute, and have booked another dog friendly holiday with my partner and nick in a few week's time.


The best thing about having Pops and Puggy is.....

The best thing about having Pops and Puggy is the laughs. Every single day they crack me up! They keep my life interesting and weird and I wouldn’t change them for the world!