Rachel and Easton


❤ Tell us a bit about your bestie!

Easton came from Journeys Golden Retrievers (breeder) in Atwater, Ohio. We brought him home less than a year after losing our last Golden Retriever, Bacardi, to cancer.


❤ What do you like most about his character?

Easton has a TON of personality. He makes a lot of noises (loud yawns, big stretches, grunts/grumbles when he wants you to share food) which I consider his way of communicating. He loves all people, especially “little humans.”

❤ Any tricks and habits of Easton you would like to share?

Like most Golden Retrievers, he can wake up from a dead sleep to the sound of a banana peel opening, a blueberry or raspberry container, or the pantry door being opened.

❤ What is the naughtiest thing he has ever done?

Because of his love for eating EVERYTHING, Easton has had stomach surgery for eating stuffies from toys when he was less than a year old. He is guilty of eating anything and everything he can find.

❤ What is your favorite thing to do together?

Anything involving water! Easton LOVES to swim.


❤ How is Easton adjusting to the current quarantine situation?

He is LIVING HIS BEST LIFE! Easton is a clingy monster (#eastontheclingymonster) and follows me everywhere. He is thriving with me teaching from home! Dad still goes to work every day (first responder,) so he is just happy to see him when he returns home. 

❤ Do you have any tips to keep him entertained when he can’t go out as much?

Lots of walkies, running up and down the yard, quarantine time with his friend, Sage, and drive by visits to grandparents.

Has your bestie made it easier for you to cope this quarantine period?

How could anybody be sad with a 100 lb Golden Retriever sitting in their lap?


❤ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

It’s a display of our love and connection to one another.

❤ What is the best thing about having a dog as a best friend?

In my opinion, dogs make life richer… each and every one of them. Their love is unconditional. People need to learn to love more like dogs!

Get the look!

Besties Rachel and Easton are wearing: The Classic Pup: Cognac