Lily & Joey

Our Latest Pet Crush : Lily & Joey

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Instagram : @fancylily #joeythesheltie

Can you tell us a bit about how your friendship began?

We were thinking about getting a puppy for over 6 months but we hadn't figured out much of it. One day, we were randomly looking at puppies for sale on the internet, we saw him and our hearts stopped. We called his breeder and went to see him, he was 6 weeks old and had no brothers or sisters to play with, only his mom and dad. It was love at first sight, we signed the adoption papers that same day and took him home two weeks later. There's not been a day since then where we regret what we did, he's pure joy and happiness.

Does he have any fun nicknames? 

He has so many... Joe, Jojo, Coco Jumbo, Puppy, Baby Kangaroo, Joseph (when he does something bad), Jackal, Chouquette, Paupiette... Most of the time it's just Joe though:)

Breed : Shetland Sheepdog or a Sheltie

Colour of Fur : Bi-blue

What is Joey like?

He is smart, funny and cheeky!

Can he do any tricks?

He knows over 30 tricks, but his favorites are "spin" and "high five" because that's what we ask him before feeding him! 

Friendship Collar - Lily & joey 3

What is the silliest thing he has ever done?

 The first time we took him to the beach, he started chasing a seagull. It flew over the water and Joey just jumped in without thinking, until he figured out he couldn't swim, so he just stopped in the water and looked at us very desperately. We had to come get him in the freezing water, he looked like a little rat with all of his fur being wet and all!

What’s the cutest thing he does or has ever done?

He's just being cute all the time so it's hard to choose just one. Whenever there's an emergency vehicle passing by with its siren on, he runs along and howls as loud as he can, which is both cute and extremely funny! Also, every morning at the same hour, he jumps to our bed and licks our faces until we go feed him. This is very annoying, but still super cute!

Can you tell us a little more about his life with you?

He's super smart, he understands everything I want from him within a few minutes. He's also a very shy dog, he loves people he knows but it takes time to get his full trust, but he's very social with other dogs, he loves them all. And he is OBSESSED about food. He will do anything to get the smallest little piece of food. And he will eat anything, from meat to radishes. Even foil from the streets. Yes, really. 

What is his favourite past time?

Eating, obviously. And chewing on things.

Describe a typical day for you both...

We live in a lovely Parisian apartment, so we have no garden. For now, he spends his days sleeping at my feet while I work from home. He's fed twice a day, and I try to take him out as much as I can, 3 to 4 times a day, at least 20 minutes each time, sometimes up to 2 hours straight. If it's possible, I take him everywhere with me. We play every evening in the apartment, it's our little fun time together:

My pooch makes me smile when… he looks at me with his loving eyes, smiling back at me (he's actually panting, but it looks so much like a smile to me!!!)

My dog is my best friend because.... almost everything he does just makes me happy, and he probably loves me even more than he cares about himself.