September 12, 2017
Mikael & Looper
♡ How old is Looper?
Looper is 1,5 years old. He is born on 31/08/15 and we adopted him on 11/11/2015 at « Bouledogue Francais du Vallon de Beaumont ».
♡ What made you start his Facebook?
We wanted to have some memories of him when he was a puppy, and wanted to build a sort of photo album.
♡ What is life like for Looper?
To snore, to eat, to run and to do weird things like to wear glasses, to carry a schoolbag, to do surf… :)
♡ Can you tell us any fun stories?
Looper appeared in a commercial promoting for Hippopotamus (a french restaurant chain). It was very funny to take TGV, to go to the hotel and other things in Paris with Looper !
♡ Please tell us what FriendshipCollar means to you!
For us, FriendshipCollar shows the real link between a pet and his owner. We think that Looper is a real member of our family.
♡ Why is Looper your best friend?
Looper is more than my best friend, he’s always here, when we are happy or sad, to brings happiness in our family.
♡ What does Looper do that makes you happy?
He is always happy, and wants to play, to go out, to hug…