Pippa & Anne

Our latest pet crush: Pippa

Your social media fame: Instagram @toygersociety

What is life with Pippa like?

Always fun, she is very playful and she has the sweetest most expressive face. She is so loving, it's incredible!

How did you and Pippa become best friends? How old is she?

When a friend of mine sent a photo of Pippa who needed a home, I instantly went over and when I first saw her I knew she had to become part of our family. She is 4 years old now, a teenager!

Can you describe Pippa's personality?

Pippa is independent but also loves being around people, she meows and greets everyone at the door. She doesn't like to be picked up but likes to come lay on you, always her way. She is constantly my sidekick around the house, she follows me everywhere and oversees all operations in the household.

What words can best describe Pippa? Loving, fun and individual!Tell us a fun story about Pippa.

Pippa is the best bug catcher, if there is any sort of bug that has sneaked into the house. She has a specific bug meow and she belts it until I come over to investigate.

Do you take Pippa with you on your vacations? Does she venture far?

We take Pippa sailing with us on our Catamaran, we call it the big Cat. She stays down below when we are sailing and comes up on top deck when we are moored or anchored. She loves the boat, there are so many fun spaces she can explore and get into. A ships cat is very good luck on boat and she's our lucky charm.

Where is the cutest thing she does?

She sleeps next to me every night, she's my teddy bear.

She's very photogenic in her pictures, Does she love being photographed?

I started Pippa's account so I wouldn't alienate my friends on my personal account so she is used to constant photos. She became popular and it's fun seeing all the comments by her followers. She's a natural in front of the camera, a true star!

Pippa's fur looks so soft and clean, how do you maintain that?

She has naturally beautiful fur and she spends a good time grooming every day. I help out with healthy food, lots of water and a brushing as often as possible.

Lastly, can you finish this sentence: Pippa is my best friend because...she is my spirit animal.