Tiny tongues and piling shoes
Our latest pet crush: Speedy
Social Media fame:
Instagram: SpeedyBoyBoy
Facebook: SpeedyBoyBoy
Twitter: SpeedyBoyBoy
The story: I saw Speedy sitting in one corner while the other Chihuahuas were playing around him. I noticed his tiny tongue sticking out and fell in love with him immediately.
Nicknames: Boy Boy
Breed: Chihuahua Colour of Fur: White with brown spots
Describe your pooch in 3 words: Unique, funny, smart.
Speedy’s Favourite trick? Doing interviews. Check out #speedyinterview on Instagram or his other videos on Youtube.
Tell us a quirky/funny story about your pup: Speedy didn’t have a lot of toys growing up so he will sneak in and get shoes from the other room and bring them to his bed. The shoes were bigger than him and he will only always get one of each pair. I saw about 6 shoes on his tiny bed. I didn’t know it was him doing it until I caught him one time dragging the shoe to his bed with his mouth.
What’s the cutest thing Speedy does / has ever done? Pretty much everything he does is cute but also when I kiss him, he would run away then run back to me full speed wanting to be kissed again.
Dog’s main personality traits? Being a ham with girls but tough on guys.
Speedy’s favourite hobbies? Sleep and eat all day.
Describe your dog’s typical day: On weekdays, he just sleeps all day but on weekends I sometimes take him to volunteer as a therapy dog or take him out to the park to meet other doggies.
Finish this sentence. My Dog makes me smile… all day everyday.
My dog is my best friend because.. he came with me when I moved across the Pacific Ocean I had to leave my loved ones but Speedy came with me and it made me feel better.