You fed these cuties!
Thank you so much! Your donations have helped us to feed so many adorable rescues this year!
We wanted to share with you some cute faces so you can see for yourself just how grateful they are, with their tummies full of delicious noms, because of you! We are so sorry if some of the following pictures are hard for you to see. We understand that seeing dogs in a state of malnutrition and neglect is heartbreaking, but scroll through to see their happy faces, their furry bellies full and their bodies getting healthier and stronger! It’s incredible what a yummy meal, TLC, Love & friendship can do with your help!
This is Ruby!
Found on the streets of Toledo, Ruby was in bad shape. Someone abandoned her to the harsh elements and left her to die. She was emaciated and looked as though she didn’t stand a chance to survive. Ruby ended up in the local dog pound, and Toledo’s PET Bull Project (TPBP) pulled her out!

At the rescue, she has been putting on weight slowly and becoming healthier everyday thanks to the food donations, although she still has a way to go! It has taken some time, but Ruby is starting to understand that no one is going to take her food from her ever again! Luckily, Ruby is now receiving the extra tender loving care she needs! It is incredible that after humans treated her so badly, she is so trusting and still loves people and other dogs. Once she is healthy, she will begin training and hopes to find her new forever home!
Just look at Ruby Today!

All of us at FriendshipCollar are so grateful that we are able to have such a meaningful impact on the lives of rescues like Ruby, and we couldn’t do this without your support!
This is Warren!
Warren was found alone, living on the street, with wounds over his entire body and face and ears! The poor baby! No one knows if these wounds were the result of Warren being a bait dog or a victim of dogfighting or the result of numerous run-ins with other street dogs. Whichever the answer, he clearly had a very difficult start in life. He was also heartworm positive and very anemic. Scavenging for food, Warren would not have known where his next meal was coming from.
Photo Credits: Redemption Road Rescue of Michigan
Luckily now Warren is in a warm and loving foster home and he’s getting the treatment he so desperately needed. He finds comfort in his new cozy and caring atmosphere and the high-quality pet food donated thanks to your support!
This shy little cutie is Francis Chewy!

He came from the streets too and was severely undernourished! With no knowledge of his past life, it was clear to see that it had not been easy for this cute little soul! He was scared of everyone and everything, and Fido and Fluffy's Rescue was unsure of how much they could help him.
After being with the rescue for a month, Francis Chewy was able to enter a dog residency program to help him learn to interact with other dogs and people. He is doing great and before this feature went live he found his forever home with a wonderful family! Just look how happy he is being held and hugged by his new BFF!

This is Cooper!
Before he was rescued by House of Hope Rescue, Cooper lived the puppy mill lifestyle. He was a male used as a breeder dog. He didn't receive medical care, attention, or even a well-balanced diet. Once he was rescued, Cooper received high-quality pet food, donated thanks to your support!

We are happy to report that Cooper now has a furever home, complete with a four-legged brother that he just loves. His mom and dad love him to pieces and take great care of him! He still gets the best food, veterinary care, and lots and lots of attention. Cooper can now relax, play, and finally live his best life!
We feed kitty cats too, for those with feline friends, and we will be featuring them in our next feeds rescue blog post!
Sign up for our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out on more cuties who are being helped by your pawsitively yummy food donations!
Love & friendship x